日本財団 図書館


3. Any scheduled carrier shall, when fixing fares, rates and charges under the provisions of paragraph 1, specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport, report that effect to the Minister of Transport. The same shall apply when such fares, rates and charges are altered.


4. The scheduled carrier may, in spite of the provision of the later half of paragraph 1, reduce the tires, rates and charges approved under the said paragraph (only applied to tires, rates and charges for passenger and cargo operating within the domestic stations) to an extent that the gross business profit of the scheduled carrier concerned may not be reduced when time period, sections and other conditions specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport, are fixed.


(Approval of Conditions of Carnage)
Article 106. Any scheduled carrier shall fix conditions of transport and obtain an approval from the Minister of Transport. The same shall apply to any change thereof.


2. When he will grant an approval under the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Transport shall conform to the following standards;
(1)There shall be no danger of adversely affecting the fir and proper interest of the public;
(2)There shall be provisions defining the carrier's liability at the minimum relating to tires, rates and charges as well as transport.


(Notices of Fares, Rates and Charges, etc.)
Article 107. Any scheduled carrier shall post a notice of tires, rates and charges and the conditions of transport, legible to the public, at its business premises and at other working places.


(Business Program)
Article 108. In conducting its business, any scheduled air carrier shall comply with the business program submitted under Article 100, paragraph 2, except due to natural disaster or other mitigating circumstances.


2. When he deems any carrier in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Transport may order such scheduled carrier to conduct the services in accordance with the business program submitted under Article 100, paragraph 2.


Article 109. When he will alter the business program (excluding the provisions specified by paragraph 3), any scheduled carrier shall obtain an approval from the Minister of Transport.





